Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Louvre, after lunch with old friends

We spent our afternoon at the Louvre. We'll show more down below, but this shot sets the tone for the day. Here we are in front of a room full of Rembrandts, and Aurel is showing signs of museum fatigue:
First things first- we had a wonderful lunch at La Hoche with Caroline, Aurel, Pauline, and Adrien. I haven't seen Pauline and Adrien in over 10 years!!:
Caroline and Pauline:
The neighborhood we hand lunch in was.... Nice.
L'Arche de Triomphe with a massive French flag gently blowing in the breeze:
Le Grand Palais, with its spectacular glass roof. Note the German flag on the left. The German chancellor was visiting while we were there:
We took a left at Place de la Concorde and walked along the swanky Rue St Honore. When Jon saw these he said, "I want thaaaaaaaaaaaaat"
Caroline is the best person to have with you in a French museum. She can speak to a period, a genre, an artist... All of the above. So helpful. Here she is educating us on some 18th century French sculpture:
Cam and Jon loved the Egyptian wing. Her is Cam inside of a tomb that was moved in its entirety from the Nile river delta to Paris over 100 years ago:
Caroline at the front of the flock of geese.  
We would follow her lead and she would stop in front of signifIcant works and explain them. Incredible!
Jon didn't need explanation on this one:
This one is beautiful but possibly even more scandalous:
Love it:
 This is how Jon planned the 6 month sabbatical. Vermeer captured it perfectly:

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