Sunday, September 8, 2013

Sunrise boat ride on the Seine river

Aurel woke us up before 6am, eliminating that day's chance at breaking the curse of jetlag. He didn't tell us what we were doing or where we were going. Caroline didn't even know. He just said, "bring warm clothes and get in the taxi downstairs at 6:10."

Turns out that he arranged a small private boat to take us on a tour of Paris, via the Seine river. Paris doesn't typically start waking up until about 9am, so it was incredibly quiet and peaceful.

The water was super glassy:
Mirror-like water:
Hey, there's our apartment! Top floor of the building on the left:
Caroline was pleased with Aurel's surprise:
But she was shocked to see the difference between Cambria's bite out of the pain-au-chocolat (on the left) and Jon's (on the right):
Musee d'Orsay, bathed in the morning sun:
La Tour Eiffel:
We had to take this picture!!:
A different perspective, from the river:
We turned around at the Eiffel Tower and caught the sunrise:
Notre Dame:
Cam checking out Notre Dame:
Jon and Notre Dame:

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