Aurel and Caroline know how to cook. They are advanced. They plan ahead. Instead of buying tomatoes in the winter when they have no flavor, why not make 15kg worth of tomato sauce in the summer, with the most delicious, juicy tomatoes in the world? That is what we did today in the castle's kitchen: prepare, cook, and can tomato sauce.
Here are the steps.
Step 1: cut the tomatoes
Step 2: put the tomatoes through a miraculous machine that takes the skin and seeds and leaves the juice
Step 3: cook onions in olive oil and add to the cooking tomato juice
Step 4: after cooking for an hour, take the thickened sauce and funnel into very clean storage jars
Step 5: wrap the filled glass jars with a rag so they don't break during the next step
Step 6: put the wrapped jars in a sanitizer (essentially a pasteurizing step) for 45 minutes
After this, you will have enough pasta sauce to get your through the winter!!!
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