Sunday, August 18, 2013

Staying in Raglan for the rest of the trip

We're throwing in the towel. Feeling road weary from a week of driving our mobile home on the wrong side of the road. Our route around the North Island resembles one of those spider webs made by a spider on drugs (if you don't get the reference, Google 'spider webs cocaine' or 'spider webs marijuana' and you'll see the images from the experiment we all wish we'd thought of for our science fair project). All over the place. The weather and surf look iffy at the other potential spots, and lots of road time would be required. And we've found a great little hippy campsite Eco retreat hostel thing here in Raglan. Different spot than our last one. Still walking distance to Manu Bay. So, we are staying put.

Here are some shots of this hippy lodge we are calling home for our last week in NZ:

View from our campervan, looking at one of the several veggie gardens you can pick from for meals in the communal kitchen.

Looking out from the communal kitchen towards the pizza oven and the little 2 person rooms that are made out of cut-in-half train cars.

Here is a long train car that has a few rooms in it.

Here is a killer little house you can rent that overlooks the bay

Are there any places like this in Malibu, Big Sur, or Maui? If not, it seems like a fun business to run.

As you can see the sky has gotten blue again, after a 36 hour bout of relentless rain. The surf is decent and we are shaking from surf withdrawals, so we're heading out...

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