1. ENLIGHTENED ELECTED OFFICIALS: The elected "mayor" of the area we stayed in cannot read or write. This civil servant *shot* a person earlier this year over some petty dispute related to how the victim was driving, and has so far stayed out of jail. See article:
Local businesses, not in any mood to deal with this mayor via civilized means he would not recognize anyways, have told him to his face that if he enters their property, they will shoot him.
Time to start thanking your lucky stars your local officials are merely incompetent, and not cold blooded killers.
Local businesses, not in any mood to deal with this mayor via civilized means he would not recognize anyways, have told him to his face that if he enters their property, they will shoot him.
Time to start thanking your lucky stars your local officials are merely incompetent, and not cold blooded killers.
2. THE BEST DEFENSE I HAVE EVER HEARD: So a guy Cameron knows went to Santo Domingo, the capital city, for the weekend to spend time with his mistress. While there, they went into the main public park in the city, and, in broad daylight, started firing a pistol at a tree or something. People complained to the police, who showed up some minutes later to interrogate the suspects. The guy denied firing the gun. The police left. The guy then started shooting again. The cop came back, picked up a few warm shell casings from the ground near the guy's feet, and started to put him in handcuffs.
Now here is the good part.
The guy whispers to the cop, "Hey, I was just trying to impress my mistress." The cop, in an act of supreme empathy that baffles your correspondent, said "oh, in that case, let me get you out of these handcuffs and get on your way. Just please stop shooting in the public park."
Now here is the good part.
The guy whispers to the cop, "Hey, I was just trying to impress my mistress." The cop, in an act of supreme empathy that baffles your correspondent, said "oh, in that case, let me get you out of these handcuffs and get on your way. Just please stop shooting in the public park."
3. ALCOHOL, IN MODERATION: People get insanely drunk on weekends and holidays. Then they go to the beach and swim. And then they drown. Jesse and Cameron had to do CPR on a kid who had drowned at least an hour earlier and washed up on the beach. See the first paragraph of the national lifeguard webpage:
We saw two grown men drunk out of their minds splashing each other in the shorebreak like 5 year olds. I cannot confirm that they made it out of the water safely.
We saw two grown men drunk out of their minds splashing each other in the shorebreak like 5 year olds. I cannot confirm that they made it out of the water safely.
4. NOW THAT'S JUST STUPID: Drinking and driving is dumb. But it is very common in the DR. In fact, you CAN be drinking while driving, you just cannot be DRUNK. Unless it is Christmas time. A few years ago, before the elections, the Incumbent relaxed even this law, so you COULD drive while drunk.
The roads are well known as some of the scariest in the world. See the "driving tips" section here:
The DR has the fatality stats to prove it too. Check out their road deaths per capita. Second highest in the world/:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_traffic-related_death_rate (click on the header "Road fatalities per 100,000 to sort by highest on top)
The DR has the fatality stats to prove it too. Check out their road deaths per capita. Second highest in the world/:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_traffic-related_death_rate (click on the header "Road fatalities per 100,000 to sort by highest on top)
5. IT WAS WORTH IT: Dominican kiters love to show off. They do this by boosting huge airs as close to shore as possible. Last year, Andre witnessed a guy boost an air, get hit by a strong gust, traverse 100 feet of beach, and land at the top of a 30 foot coconut tree. He then fell out of the tree only to be caught by his kite. He walked away unscathed, but with his tail between his legs.
6. BRAGGING RIGHTS MATTER: There is a serious machismo culture in the DR. For example, Negativo tried to DQ me from the contest. That's right, there was a guy I was surfing against named "Negativo" and he was really pissed that I beat him. So after I got second in the finals, he tried to DQ me by saying my board didn't qualify for the longboard division (it did). As we got our trophies, he took the microphone and told the crowd that he should have own and he will be back next year.
7, THE BRIDGE WILL BE FINE: Jesse witnessed some classic engineering: on the way to Santiago. A large Mack truck could not pass through a bridge because the truck couldn't clear the cross beams. Instead of finding another way, Jesse saw the guys standing on the truck dismantling the load-bearing beams above. Jesse decided to take a different bridge home...